IP Lawyer in Ontario / Canada
Protect Trade Secrets under Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)
Use your discretion and, initially, be careful with whom and how you share your good ideas, inventions, business plans, and catchy brand names for any upcoming ventures. Whether you want to on-board investors or take an offering to market, the early stages of an idea’s development can be the most risky. As an Intellectual Property (IP) lawyer, Kevin Edward Holbeche at HOLBECHE LAW can help protect your ideas and their development.
With HOLBECHE LAW, you can get a confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to use in your best interests with potential business partners, investors, advisors, and vendors to keep your valued ideas confidential. Secure your confidential information. Pick the best intellectual property counsel and lawyer, for you and your business, to get the confidentiality and NDA advice you need at reasonable costs.
Get HOLBECHE LAW to help with all of your confidentiality and NDA needs, and get the advantage of a qualified and dedicated IP lawyer on your team.

201 – 1300 Cornwall Rd
Oakville, Ontario
Canada L6J 7W5
Email: info@holbechelaw.com
Tel: 905-827-7610
Fax: 905-901-3099
Toll Free: 1-855-872-8722
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